LLB B.Com W.Aust LLM Sydney MA Deakin Grad.Dip.
Arts Monash Grad.Dip.Ed Edith Cowan MACE
Gavin Goh has over 20 years experience in law, industry and education. Prior to teaching, Gavin was a legal adviser and trade negotiator with the Department of Foreign Afairs and Trade. He represented Australia at international court hearings in Geneva and was a negotiator for the Australia-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
He later held senior roles in industry including as Executive Director of a national energy industry organisation.
Gavin is an accomplished writer, a passion that he shares with students. His book on modern Chinese history, The Order of the Double Dragon, is held by the British Museum in London, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and the Institute of Asian History in Kyoto.
Gavin is an expert teacher recognised for in-class extension programs catering to gifted and talented students. He developed the RISE Method, a research-based teaching approach that integrates explicit instruction, inquiry learning and curriculum enrichment-extension.