

The latest news at Rise Academy

Our mission is to help every child learn more effectively. Through extending their knowledge of maths and writing, we aim to help children reach their potential and be 1 to 2 years ahead. We believe in real learning, not rote learning.

Read our latest blogs and news below.

The Fall of Troy

Last term our Year 6s studied the epics of Ancient Greece and Rome – Homer’s The Iliad and Virgil’s The Aeneid. On Saturday, they composed their own free-verse poem inspired by the Fall of Troy....

Ever wondered why English is the way it is?

The English language is the second most widely used language in the world after Mandarin. It is however the international language of communication in the way Latin or French used to be.  English has been...

Back to School

School Holidays flew by! Term 2 is starting at Rise Learning this weekend Saturday 4 May at Mount Pleasant College and Sunday 5 May at our new location – Dianella Heights Primary School. We have...

Narrative Writing Tips

In narrative writing, our aim is to move students beyond writing a simple recount of events, dialogue and characters. We do this by teaching them to: write rich descriptions of setting and characters; improve the...