High School Maths in Year 6

High School Maths in
Year 6 Program

Maths programs to help your child develop critical thinking.

The High School Maths in Year 6 program introduces gifted and talented students to concepts from the Year 8 and 9 Australian Maths Curriculum, with a focus on algebra. Students also use their knowledge of algebra to learn concepts from the Year 10 Physics Curriculum.

Concepts are taught using the Rise Method that combines explicit teacher instruction and guided practice. Students deepen and expand their understanding through hands-on activities, becoming confident, intuitive mathematicians.

Students enter high school with critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and with a mathematical foundation that places them years ahead of their peers.

Topics covered include:

  • Year 8/9 level algebra
  • Year 10 Physics – acceleration, force and mass
  • Simultaneous equations
  • Pythagoras theorem
  • Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio
  • pi in geometry
  • Probability – simple and compound
  • Statistics
  • Rates and ratio

Class Details

Each teaching session runs for 1.5 hours.
Terms run for 10 weeks.

Early bird and 5% additional sibling discounts available.

Single Subject

Writing (YR3 – YR6)
Maths (YR3 – YR6)
Teen Writing (YR7 – YR9)

Price: $580 (includes GST)
* 5% sibling discount
* $15 early bird

1.5 hours per session
10 week term

Writing & Math

YR3 – YR6

Price: $920 (includes GST)
* 5% sibling discount
* $30 early bird

3.0 hours per session
10 week term

Writing & Math

Year 2

Price: $610 (includes GST)
* 5% sibling discount
* $20 early bird

2.0 hours per session
10 week term